RhinAer™ for Chronic Rhinitis
The RhinAer® Procedure is a non-invasive treatment option for patients who suffer from moderate to severe chronic rhinitis.
If your nose is always runny, you may be one of the millions of people living with chronic rhinitis. Until now, treatment often meant managing symptoms with medications and sprays.
For many patients, these symptoms may be caused by abnormal signals in the nose. Now, your physician can offer you the RhinAer® Procedure to disrupt these signals and provide lasting relief without surgery. Lasting relief is possible without surgery.
Is your runny nose ruining your life?
Though your nose is a small part of the body, it can ruin your life when it’s not working properly. From just trying to breathe normally, get restful sleep, and have full energy, your runny nose affects it all.
Your runny nose probably used to be a minor inconvenience. It would get irritated now and then, you might have a little trouble sleeping a few times a month, and you would brush it off. Now you can’t walk out of the house without making sure you have a pocket full of tissues and the former minor inconvenience has bloomed into a major life-impacting circumstance. You’re embarrassed to talk to people because your nose might run, and you avoid social situations.
Is this sounding familiar? Do you even remember the last time you could breathe in without a sniffle? If this sounds like you and you’re ready to say goodbye to chronic rhinitis, Dr. Ryan Gegg at Emerald ENT can help with the RhinAer™ procedure.

Chronic Rhinitis: It’s not just a runny nose
Chronic rhinitis affects your health and life more than you may realize. Your sleep is interrupted causing daily fatigue, leading to your work and social life suffering the consequences. In addition to worldwide health concerns, a runny nose may lead to you being sent home from work and forced to quarantine before reentering businesses.
What is chronic rhinitis?
Rhinitis is when the mucus membranes of the nose are inflamed. Rhinitis is considered chronic when the inflammation lasts longer than four consecutive weeks; it can last months to years, if not treated properly.
The causes of rhinitis may vary, and symptoms can range from mild to severe. Someone suffering from chronic rhinitis may experience:
- Frequent runny nose
- Itching
- Congestion
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Post-nasal drip
The RhinAer™ Procedure
The truth is you do not have to suffer from your chronic rhinitis forever and you may be able to avoid invasive surgery. RhinAer™ is an FDA-approved, minimally invasive procedure that prevents excessive mucus from forming by using radiofrequency to alter the posterior nasal nerve.
This in-office chronic rhinitis treatment option does not involve the cutting or removal of any sinus tissue. Some of the benefits patients experience when choosing RhinAer™ include:
- Non-invasive Solution - Minimal discomfort, no incisions, and can be performed in your doctor’s office.
- Live Better - Clinical studies show that patients treated with the RhinAer Procedure reported significant improvements in their symptoms and quality of life.
- Quick Recovery - Patients typically return to normal activity on the same day.
- Lasting Relief - Clinically proven to provide lasting relief of symptoms including runny nose, post-nasal drip, and chronic cough–96% of patients demonstrated improved symptoms.