Comprehensive Allergy Testing at Emerald ENT

At Emerald ENT, we understand how allergies can significantly impact your daily life. Allergies can cause symptoms ranging from sneezing and congestion to severe, life-threatening reactions. Our testing identifies your specific allergens and provides effective treatments to help you live symptom-free.

Understanding allergies: Causes and symptoms

An allergic reaction happens when your immune system wrongly identifies a harmless substance as a threat. The immune system then produces antibodies to combat the allergen, which triggers common symptoms. Exposure can occur through contact, ingestion, or inhalation of the allergen.

Common allergens:

Food Allergies
Pet Dander
Dust Mites
Insect Stings

Common symptoms:

Runny nose
Itchy, Watery


Another type of reaction that can occur is anaphylaxis. Your body may have a severe, life-threatening reaction to a certain allergen. Anaphylactic shock is serious, and you need to seek medical help or call 911 immediately.

Take the allergy quiz

Our quiz helps you learn more about how your symptoms are really affecting your daily life.

Take the quiz to get your score and find out if you’ll benefit from treatment.

Why choose Emerald ENT for allergy testing?

Emerald ENT offers state-of-the-art testing to accurately identify your specific allergens. Our team of specialists provides personalized care and effective allergy solutions. We offer a varitey of tests, and the type of testing you’ll need will depend on your situation.

Allergy skin tests: These tests involve exposing the skin to small amounts of suspected allergens and observing reactions. Types of skin tests include:

Skin prick/scratch test: The doctor pricks a small amount of allergen into the skin, with results available shortly after the test.

Patch tests: Used to identify contact allergens that cause delayed reactions, with results read after 48 hours.

Allergy blood tests: Measures the immune system's response to specific allergens through a blood sample. People with severe reactions usually need blood tests.

Schedule your test

Comprehensive allergy testing process

Our process at Emerald ENT may include the following steps tailored to your unique circumstances:

  1. Medical history review: Understanding your medical history and current symptoms to tailor the testing process to your needs.
  2. Sensitivity tests: Identifying and managing sensitivities to various allergens.
  3. Testing for suspected allergens: Utilizing skin tests and blood tests to determine the specific allergens causing your symptoms.
  4. Detailed analysis and diagnosis: Interpreting test results to provide an accurate diagnosis.
  5. Personalized allergy treatment options: We develop a customized treatment plan, which may include drops, medications, or lifestyle changes.

Advanced treatment: Allergy drops

One of the most convenient and effective options our patients often choose is immunotherapy, also known as "allergy drops."

They are a modern, needle-free treatment option that works through the same scientific principles as shots.

How do they work

Allergy drops expose your immune system to tiny amounts of specific allergens by placing small drops under the tongue. Over time, they help your body build tolerance and reduce symptoms. This gradual exposure can even eliminate some allergies entirely.

Benefits of allergy drops

They can be taken at home, avoiding frequent doctor visits and providing a painless alternative to shots. They are highly effective, personalized to your specific allergens, and have a proven track record of safety and symptom reduction.

Ready to experience life without allergies?

Don't let allergies control your life. Schedule an appointment with Emerald ENT for comprehensive allergy testing and personalized treatment plans. Our team is committed to helping you achieve long-term relief and improved quality of life.

Not ready to schedule? Here are some allergy prevention tips

Preventing allergic reactions is an essential part of managing allergies and improving your quality of life. Here are some practical tips to help you minimize exposure:

Indoor prevention
  1. Keep Your Home Clean: Regularly clean and vacuum your home to reduce dust mites, pet dander, and mold.
  2. Use Air Purifiers: Invest in a high-quality air purifier with a HEPA filter to remove airborne allergens.
  3. Control Humidity: Maintain indoor humidity levels below 50% to prevent mold growth. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas like basements and bathrooms.
  4. Wash Bedding Weekly: Use hot water to wash bedding and pillowcases weekly to kill dust mites.
  5. Keep Pets Out of Bedrooms: Restrict pets from sleeping areas and regularly bathe them to reduce dander.
Outdoor prevention
  1. Monitor pollen levels: Check daily pollen forecasts and try to stay indoors when levels are high.
  2. Wear sunglasses and hats: Protect your eyes and hair from pollen when you go outside.
  3. Shower after being outdoors: Rinse off pollen and other outdoor allergens by showering and changing clothes after spending time outside.
  4. Close windows: Keep windows closed during high pollen seasons to prevent allergens from entering your home.
Food allergy prevention
  1. Read food labels: Always check food labels for potential allergens and be aware of cross-contamination risks.
  2. Inform others: Make sure friends, family, and restaurants are aware of your food allergies to prevent accidental exposure.
  3. Carry an EpiPen: If you have a severe reaction, always carry an EpiPen and know how to use it in case of an emergency.

Incorporate these prevention tips into your routine to help reduce allergen exposure and better manage your symptoms. Ready for a comprehensive treatment plan that can help you stay on top of symptoms for good? Schedule with Emerald ENT today.